Friday, May 29, 2020

The 7 dollar SWAT workout.

In order to be mission capable, a SWAT Operator needs several things:

1) To know what missions he and his team are capable of.

2) To have trained frequently and successfully in the missions that the team claims to be able to perform.

3) To know the policies and procedures related to the team.

4) To have the gear necessary to perform those missions.

5) To be physically capable of performing the teams skill sets / missions.

6) To be proficient in tactical medicine.

This blog is dedicated to number 5. Being physically capable of performing all skill sets and missions your team claims to be able to perform. At 38 years, I have noticed myself declining in this arena. Well, the winter is over and I've awoken.

In my search for a good supplemental workout, I found that the military is currently using a suspension strap system for their troops. This is a great workout system, but unfortunately costs $250.00 or so. I don't know about you, but I have other stuff like groceries, food storage, guns and what-not to buy.

So I went to my happy place. Harbor Freight. For those of you uninitiated, Harbor Freight is the most wonderful place in the world. It sells tools that are just as good as any of the stuff sold at the big box stores, but doesn't lie to you about how crappy it is. Big box stores put name brands on junk and sells them for exorbitant prices.

Harbor Freight is pure consumer honesty. I love the place and think their motto should be, "We sell crap that is good enough for mopes like you, cause you're not going to need anything better, so get over it."

I found a strap that would seem to fill the same role. It's called a 1 Ton web sling. It can carry something like 1 ton, so even the 'big-uns' could get up on it.

So using my infinite Target "Frugalista" abilities, I officially saved $243 dollars, and can achieve the same physical impressiveness and bicep-tular awesomeness.

Here's what you will need:

1) A purple 1 ton strap from Harbor Freight.

2) A playground, or other public facility with stuff to hang your strap from.

3) Probably some water and like a snack or something.

Note: This workout is by no means designed to supplant your current workout. I personally train at Alpha Co. Fitness in Chico California. Micah Hankins is super legit, and the only person I've ever felt intimidated by when it came time to fight (It turns out my fears were based on valid pretenses, as he hit me a lot to the face, leg and body regions).

The 7 dollar workout is however capable of filling in for those times when you are unable to make the gym. Sucky shift work, vacations, out of town schools and the like can mess with your ability to make all of your gym appointments. That is what this workout is designed to do, and it does it VERY well.

Good luck and I hope you enjoy the 7 dollar SWAT workout.

James Dimmitt
SWAT Operator, Arts and crafts ninja, and purveyor of Awesomeness.

Song of the day: "The Rip" by Portishead