Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Superman

So there I was, hanging by this strap thingie, doing tens of pull ups. Then a thought occurred to me. I'm not going to tell you what the thought was, but I will tell you about a thought I had around the same time. It was as follows, "I wonder what else I can do with this strap thingie?"

I found out. I call this one, "The Superman." Basically, what you do is to start from a hanging position, then slowly start swinging side to side. Pretty much, you see how high you can get and for how long.

This is easily the hardest and most fun workout on the 7 dollar swat workout. I mean, really. Where else on the web can you find ways to swing aroung like a little chimpanzee on crack and still maintain a sense of masculenity?

Enjoy. I should warn, clearing the area of any "launchables" like small children and pets is advisable.

Also, for those fans of Superman and those type A's who like to point things out, I realize that this doesn't look anything like how Superman flies. I realize this and you can, in fact, get bent. I did it on purpose to mess with you. Take that.

O.K. the song of the day is, "Again" by Archive. That song rocks.

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